Teach First’s handbooks and training outlines


The sequence document provides an overview of how the programme is structured across the 2 years of induction.

ECF Sequence (PDF, 289 KB, 17 pages)

The implementation guidance outlines how Teach First’s coaching and mentoring programme works.

ECF SLT and Induction Lead Implementation Guidance (PDF, 652 KB, 30 pages)

Training outlines

Each module features up to 3 dedicated training sessions where experienced practitioners will share practical applications of what early career teachers are learning.

The materials show what should be covered during these training sessions.

Autumn term

First half-term: how can you create an effective learning environment? (PDF, 237 KB, 5 pages)

  • Week 5: using praise and consequences effectively
  • Week 7: holding high expectations of all pupils

Second half-term: how do pupils learn? (PDF, 163 KB, 4 pages)

  • Week 3: avoiding working memory overload
  • Week 6: building well organised mental models

Spring term

First half-term: what makes classroom practice effective? (PDF, 273 KB, 5 pages)

  • Week 2: using examples and non-examples
  • Week 5: using questioning to extend and challenge pupils

Second half-term: : how can you use assessment and feedback to greatest effect? (PDF, 181 KB, 5 pages)

  • Week 2: structuring questioning to anticipate and identify misconceptions
  • Week 5: peer and self assessment

Summer term

First half-term: how can you support all pupils to succeed? (PDF, 191 KB, 5 pages)

  • Week 3: Developing pupils’ language comprehension and writing in your subject or phase
  • Week 6: High-quality universal provision and the graduated approach

Second half-term: how can you plan a coherent curriculum? (PDF, 181 KB, 5 pages)

  • Week 2: identifying the essential concepts, knowledge and skills of a subject
  • Week 6: critical thinking in a subject area

Year 2

For more information on Year 2 training please refer to the ECF SLT and Induction Lead Implementation Guidance (PDF, 652 KB, 30 pages)