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Definitions and states

Key concepts

Concept Definition
participant An early career teacher (ECT) or mentor registered for training
cohort The grouping of participants who begin their induction or training in a given academic year under a given funding contract. For example, a participant starting their training in the 2024/25 academic year will have a cohort of 2024, as funding comes from the 2024/25 call-off contract. In most cases providers cannot change a participant’s cohort once they have begun their training. Note that funding for the 2021 cohort ends on 31 July 2024. Schools will start reassigning participants from this group who’ve not completed their training to the 2024 cohort from mid-June onwards
schedule The expected timeframe in which a participant will complete their ECF-based training. Schedules include defined milestone dates against which DfE validates the declarations submitted by providers
course_identifier The participant’s training as either an early career teacher (ECT) or mentor
declaration The notification submitted by providers via the API as the sole means for triggering output payments from DfE. Declarations are submitted where there is evidence of a participant’s engagement in training for a given milestone period
partnership The relationship created between schools, delivery partners and providers who work together to deliver ECF-based training to participants
statement A record of output payments (based on declarations), service fees and any adjustments the DfE may pay lead providers at the end of a contractually agreed payment period. Statements sent to providers by DfE at the end of milestone periods can be used for invoicing purposes

Data states

The API service uses a ‘state’ model to reflect the ECF participant journey, meet contractual requirements for how providers should report participants’ training and how the DfE will pay for this training.

Partnership states

Partnership states are defined by the status attribute.

Providers must confirm their partnerships with schools for each cohort. Once a partnership has been established the status value will become active and providers will receive participant information via the API.

Schools can challenge existing partnerships at any time. Once a partnership status becomes challenged, providers will no longer be able to update partnership details.

status Definition Action
active A partnership between a provider, school and delivery partner has been agreed and confirmed by the provider Providers can view, confirm and update active partnerships
challenged A partnership between a provider, school and delivery partner has been changed or dissolved by the school Providers can only view challenged partnerships

View more detailed specifications for the partnerships schema.

Participant states

Participant states are defined by the training_status attribute.

A participant’s training_status value will determine whether a provider can:

training_status Definition Action
active Participants currently in training Providers can update participant data and submit declarations for active participants
deferred Participants who have deferred training Providers cannot update participant data or submit declarations for deferred participants. Providers must notify DfE when the participant resumes training
withdrawn Participants who have withdrawn from training Providers cannot update participant data for withdrawn participants. Providers can only submit declarations for withdrawn participants if the declaration_date is backdated to before the withdrawal_date

View more detailed specifications for the ECF participant schema.

Providers should note:

A participant’s training_status highlights data entered by providers via the API. It then determines what onward actions providers can take via the API. Providers should also consider supplementary data available via the API, including the participant_status.

A participant’s participant_status highlights information given by school induction tutors via the DfE service. Values include active, joining, leaving, left and withdrawn, and will update according to the associated transfer or withdrawal dates induction tutors have given. For example, the participant_status will change from leaving to left after the date an induction tutor has given for when a participant is leaving their school. Note, values can occasionally be inaccurate due to induction tutor human error.

Declaration states

Declaration states are defined by the state attribute.

Providers must submit declarations to confirm a participant has engaged in training within a given milestone period. A declaration’s state value will reflect if and when the DfE will pay providers for the training delivered.

state Definition Action
submitted A declaration associated with to a participant who has not yet been confirmed to be eligible for funding Providers can view and void submitted declarations
eligible A declaration associated with a participant who has been confirmed to be eligible for funding Providers can view and void eligible declarations
ineligible A declaration associated with 1) a participant who is not eligible for funding 2) a duplicate submission for a given participant Providers can view and void ineligible declarations
payable A declaration that has been approved and is ready for payment by DfE Providers can view and void payable declarations
voided A declaration that has been retracted by a provider Providers can only view voided declarations
paid A declaration that has been paid for by DfE Providers can view and void paid declarations
awaiting_clawback A paid declaration that has since been voided by a provider Providers can only view awaiting_clawback declarations
clawed_back An awaiting_clawback declaration that has since had its value deducted from payment by DfE to a provider Providers can only view clawed_back declarations

View more detailed specifications for the declaration schema.